Loriana Saad

+58 212 909 1600
+58 212 909 1611


Born Caracas, Venezuela, March 3, 1997; joined MENPA - Mendoza, Palacios, Acedo, Borjas, Páez, Pumar & Cía. in 2020.

Works on civil matters, corporate governance, commercial matters, mergers and acquisitions,  labor, public law and regulatory matters, among others.

From January 2019 to March 2019, Assistant lecturer of Commercial Law, Universidad Metropolitana.



Universidad Metropolitana (Lawyer, 2020).

Universidad Metropolitana (Advanced Diploma in Hydrocarbons Law, 2020). 

Universidad Metropolitana (Specialization in International Finance, currently studying).

Estudios adicionales:  Rethinking International Tax Law (Universiteit Leiden – Coursera, 2020). 

Currently following course on Intellectual Property Law, University of Pennsylvania – Coursera.


Spanish and intermediate knowledge of English and Arabic.

Awards and recognitions

2020: Thesis, “Determination of the protection mechanisms of the minority shareholder before the lifting of the corporate veil in the groups of companies” - Honorable mention.

2019: Comprehensive  exam of the Universidad Metropolitana - Outstanding mention.

